Modern Standard Arabic is the standard Arabic language used in the world of media and Arabic content today, and it represents a natural linguistic evolution from the classical Arabic language based on the language of the Holy Qur’an. The linguistic differences between Classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic reflect the Arabic language’s response to the requirements of the modern era in communication and information. To talk about how to learn standard modern Arabic, there are several ways, including the following: The digital world is full of platforms and applications for learning standard Arabic, in addition to books, audio, and video files, and it has become possible to find an online professor to continue learning the Arabic modern standard, so where do you start? You have to search for an enjoyable way of learning for you, and for the best electronic platform that suits the learning needs of you and your child. Read customer testimonials, and follow visitor reviews. Compare the available materials and how they differ from each other in order to choose the most appropriate source for learning standard Arabic. Creating a daily schedule is one of the best ways to help yourself and your child learn standard modern Arabic, set a time for all the details including meal times, study, play times, learning Arabic modern standard, and reading. Try to create the schedule with your child, and ask him when he wants to learn the lessons online so that he feels responsible for his schedule.  Put the schedule at home as it is placed in the school classroom, and make sure that you and your child are trained and adhere to the correct path of learning standart Arabic. Some plans you can add to the schedule:

Listening to useful Arabic speeches, lectures, and lessons is one of the main and important ways for a person to become fluent, so it is recommended to resort to targeted channels that pronounce the modern standard Arabic alphabet properly, and on a correct basis, and it is also possible to access it through the Internet, as it is. It is spread on various web pages and can be downloaded easily, in addition, it is recommended that a person imagine himself as a broadcaster or lecturer speaking in front of a group of people, and represent that

  • Learning parsing and Modern Standard Arabic Grammar

Learning parsing and Modern Standard Arabic Grammar and the art of morphology, which is based on the method of formulating different words, is one of the useful ways that make a person more eloquent when speaking with others, and it is advised not to forget the science of rhetoric in the Arabic modern standard because it returns to the learner the benefit and benefit from the linguistic point of view. 

  • Learning a new word daily

A new word of standard Arabic should be learned on a daily basis, then used in daily life, and in general, some believe that this process is easy to implement, but it requires some effort, so you must enjoy the daily challenge, and make efforts until a person gets a good result, especially when speaking in front of an audience or a group of people.

  • Reading daily

It is necessary to read daily for a period of not less than half an hour, because it is one of the very important things for a person to become fluent, as a person builds his knowledge, trains his brain day after day, and improves his skills in reading and pronunciation, so it is necessary to read topics that a person enjoys; Such as novels, sports magazines, or newspapers, and in general knowledge expands by reading different types of reliable texts and books.

  • Writing

It is recommended to write a piece of literature such as a fragment of a novel, a short story, a poem, or any other type of creative writing;  Because this method improves the human’s writing skills, in addition to developing the Arabic terminology and modern standard Arabic alphabet for the human.  Standard Arabic is one of the richest languages in its meanings and connotations, so if you want to be a good speaker in it, you must be a good listener, and that should be periodically or every day if possible in order to master the language, enrich it and speak correctly.

What is modern standard Arabic? 

Standard modern Arabic, also known as Quranic Arabic, is the language used in the Qur’an as well as in many literary texts from the Umayyad and Abbasid periods (7th-9th centuries). Many Muslims study Standard Arabic to read the Qur’an in its original language. It is important to note that written standart Arabic underwent major changes during the early Islamic era, with the addition of points to distinguish similarly written letters, and the addition of the diacritics of Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali, Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi, and other scholars. It was a lingua franca across the Middle East, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa during the Classical eras and in Andalusia before the Classical eras. Arabic modern standard is the strong and specific language from which dialects are taken, and in the past, vocabulary and lofty meanings were taken from it in all fields and aspects of life. The French orientalist Massignon says: “The Arabs can be proud of other nations with the collections of words in their hands that bear unparalleled lofty thought and signs of chivalry and chivalry.” _ Abu Mansour al-Tha’alibi when says: “He who loves Allah – the Highest – loves His Messenger Muhammad, may(peace be upon him) and he who loves the Arab Messenger loves the Arabs, and he who loves the Arabs loves Arabic in which the best books were revealed to the best of non-Arabs and Arabs, and he who loved Arabic from me in it. He persevered in it, directed his efforts towards it, and Allah guided him to Islam and opened his heart to faith, and gave him a good heart in it. I believe that Muhammad, may(peace be upon him) is the best of the messengers, Islam is the best of religions, the Arabs are the best of nations, and Arabic is the best of languages and tongues, and the desire to understand it from the religion; It is the tool of knowledge, the key to confidence in religion, and the reason for reforming the pension and the return.

Is modern standard Arabic useful?

Yes, of course. Standard modern Arabic is useful and enables you to read the Noble Qur’an easily.  The importance of the development of modern standard Arabic grammar lies in its:

  • It makes the new generations proud of their language. 
  • Keep it from spoiling. 
  • Live the language and make it active. 
  • Keep it from being influenced by other languages.
  • Gain new skills and synonyms. 
  • A tool for communication and acquaintance:

The standard modern Arabic has maintained its survival and strength as a tool for communication and communication among the millions of people who speak it, distributed all over the world.

  • Generating new languages:

From the standard Arabic emerged a group of languages that were embraced by the Arabian Peninsula, such as Himyarite, Babylonian, Abyssinian, and Aramaic.  

  • Carrying the message of science and culture:

Arab and Islamic civilizations enjoyed a prominent position among the civilizations of the world, thanks to their language that enabled them to spread the fruits of the creativity of scientists, philosophers, thinkers, and many others.

What countries speak modern standard Arabic? 

The majority of standart Arabic-speaking countries are concentrated in the Middle East and North Africa, or what we call today the Arab world.  The number of countries that consider standard modern Arabic an official language or a common official language reaches 25 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Chad, Algeria, Comoros, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.  Meanwhile, there are six countries where the Arabic modern standard is a national language such as Turkey, Niger, Iran, Senegal, and Mali. Today, the standard Arabic language is spreading out of its geographical focus with many of its speakers migrating to various countries around the world and second-generation immigrants speaking in regions such as Southeast Asia, Europe, and countries including Canada and the United States of America.

How does modern standard Arabic differ from Arabic dialects? 

Modern Standard Arabic is a form of Arabic, a language that developed and was based on the classical language, the language of the Holy Qur’an, and early Islamic literature. Arabic modern standard is distinguished as one of the six official languages of the United Nations, and an official or co-official language of many Arab countries in Asia and North Africa in particular.   It is the bridge that allows these nations and peoples to communicate, and it is used on political and rhetorical platforms, and in official correspondence and lectures.  It is also widely used in television, radio, newspapers, literature, religious sermons, and children’s media Arabic dialects: On the popular level, the levels of mastery of standard modern Arabic in reading and writing vary. It is often mastered and mastered by the educated, while the uneducated may understand it somewhat, but it is difficult or almost impossible to write with it. Standard Arabic is learned by students in schools, universities, and institutes, they write and read in it. Thus, learning the modern Arabic standard is the right choice to start the process of learning Arabic. Through it, one can keep up with current events and live news, and learn about ancient and contemporary Arab culture. It is also easy to learn Arabic modern standard, as there are a large number of books and various media in this language, as well as online Arabic lessons. Another advantage of learning standard modern Arabic is that it is an introduction to Colloquial Arabic. It helps in learning the grammatical and phonetic rules necessary for any spoken dialect. With it, it is possible to communicate with others to fulfill their needs in any Arab country in the world, regardless of the colloquial dialect spoken. 

How long does it take to learn modern standard Arabic? 

In the end, there is no denying the fact that learning new languages has become one of the most important ingredients that help people communicate, but how long does it take to learn a new language? Or what are the things that help you learn a language quickly? You may be surprised, but your mother tongue is the most important factor that helps in this matter. Some people think that it depends only on you and that you are the only one who finds it difficult to learn a new language, but the truth is that every person around the world, when trying to learn a new language, needs a specific time because it is his mother tongue that helps him to do so or stands in the way of learning the language quickly.   One study even confirmed that English speakers need about 2,200 hours to learn the standart Arabic language, which is one of the most difficult languages in the world and requires a long time to learn. The study also compared the nature of the new language and the time spent studying it by English speakers. After comparing the results, it was found that English speakers need 1040 hours to master standard modern Arabic. Therefore, the closer the new language you want to learn to your mother tongue, the faster you learn it, and the easier it is than others, but in general, there are some languages that are globally classified as the most difficult languages that need a long time to master, and the arabic modern standard is at the fore.

 Standard Arabic

The language of Dhad is the most difficult language in the world that requires a lot of time and effort to master, and this is due to the fact that it consists of 28 letters and is unique to the letter Dhad, which isn’t found in any other language, in addition to the four main vowels that make its vocabulary unshared with any other language. Its speakers use very few vowels to write it, as well as the very few vowels it contains, although it has a population of 212 million. They can also use the rules of the modern standard Arabic grammar easily. 

How do you say welcome in modern standard Arabic? 

If you live in one of the Arab countries, or you are planning to visit one of them, you must hear the most famous greeting phrase, which is “SALAM”, it is an informal word that is usually used among friends.  Welcome. This is your most common way to say Welcome in Arabic modern standard. And other greeting phrases are:

  • Hello. 
  •  And may peace be upon you. 
  •  Good morning. 
  •  Good evening. 
  •  Welcome. 
  •  Have a good day. 
  •  Good day. 
  •  Good greetings. 
  •  Nice to meet you. 
  • How are you?
  • Fine, thanks. And you?
  • Good. 


Modern Standard Arabic is one of the most important aspects of the development of the language to keep pace with the times and preserve its position among languages, especially foreign languages, preserve the identity and heritage of society, and help modern generations to understand the language as its terms and concepts change. Although the conditions to which the Arab world and the Islamic world were subjected from occupation, successive attacks, and Crusades, and despite being subjected to all of that in the past until the present time, desperate efforts and attempts to eradicate the classical Arabic language, all attempts have failed and the language remains Classical Arabic is immortal because it is the language of the Qur’an. The Arabic language has changed in the modern era and differed fundamentally from the normal standard modern Arabic language and this standard Arabic is now used in the media, in contrast to the Arabic language contained in the Qur’an, which resulted from digital development. accustomed. You must first define a daily letter lesson to learn modern standard Arabic lessons and It should not be neglected modern standard Arabic grammar.  Do you want your kids to learn more about Online Arabic Classes? Sign up for  Rahman School’s (online Quran school ) Online Arabic Classes program and watch them dive deeper into Arabic science. Rahman School’s Arabic classes, Quran classes, Islamic studies class, Quran tajweed class, ijazah Quran and let your children learn the accurate Quran recitation and word pronunciation even if Arabic is not their first language. Quran teaching in Rahman School is fun as well as structured, they’ll learn with eLearning Quran; Our Quran teacher, Arabic teacher, Islamic Studies teacher, and tajweed teacher,  ( Islamic school ) will be their friends during this amazing journey. online Quran classes for kids learning can be challenging if you’re seeking it for your kids. Rahman School offers you a wide variety of topics to teach your children online. Rahman School experienced live tutors ( male teacher & female teacher ). They have many years of experience in Teaching Arabic online and the Quran online to non-Arabic speakers. Whether it’s Quran online, Arabic online, Tajweed, Ijazah, tajwid al Quran, and Islamic Studies. Rahman School has your back with professional Quran tutors who are willing to go further with your kids’ education. With an attractive interface and well-structured lessons, Rahman School gives you and your children the chance to learn with al Rahman school who are going to be your kids’ new friends, accompanying them in their learning process and encouraging them to learn more.