It is true in the trace that Anas bin Malik – may Allah be pleased with him – used to gather his family and recite dua khatam quran when he completed the Holy Qur’an, and a number of followers followed him, including Mujahid bin Jabr.  Some investigators also see the desirability and desirability of attending the Qur’an sealing sessions, in the gathering of the family or the people of the mosque, for supplication, meeting on righteousness, and piety.  It should be noted that “what came from the predecessor is dua after completing the Qur’an without adhering to a specific dua or a specific formula. If a Muslim completes the Holy Qur’an, whether in Ramadan or other than Ramadan, it is desirable for him to raise his hands and recite dua khatm quran to Allah Almighty and ask Him for the good of this world and the hereafter.” Within the framework of the Holy Qur’an’s final dua. So, we will take you today with us on a tour that includes khatam dua for the completion of the Noble Qur’an, during the coming paragraphs.

What is Khatam Quran?

Allah wanted the Holy Quran to be a miracle that remains, which does not go away, is always twisted, and nothing like it can be done. As Allah has ensured by preserving it from distortion, by increasing something on it or decreasing something from it. And one of the most venerable works relating to the Qur’an, which is required of the Muslim towards his book, is the persistence and continuity of recitation of his verses, as they raise his grades. Moreover, the Muslim increases because of its wage, knowledge, and bribery, and therefore the seal of the Qur’an, again and again, was desirable, as stated in a statement preferred to be read. “Those who recite the Book of Allah, pray and spend what we have given them secretly and publicly, will seek a trade that will not be tolerated.” It is the Prophet’s Sunnah that says, “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah goodness, and al-Hasna is ten times as good, I do not say pain, but a thousand letters and a letter.” The khatam al quran dua is called and intended: a reading seal, and it is called and intended: its seal is preserved. And that’s okay since the language includes both. Al-Jawhari said: I concluded the Qur’an to the end, and concluded the opposite thing that opened it.  If a man reaches the last Qur’an, he loses his seal, and if the last Qur’an reaches a recitation, he will seal it, and man has to read the dua khatam al Quran, preach his sermons, act on his orders, ending his marriage.

What to do after completing reading Quran?

Allah Almighty has expanded the door of dua to His servants, and a Muslim is to supplicate to his Lord as he wills and in what suits his condition and needs, and when concluding the Qur’an, it is appropriate for a Muslim to recite dua khatmul Quran to his Lord with the following: 

  • Oh Allah, praise be to You for what You have enabled us to achieve in sealing Your Book and reciting Your verses with much-blessed praise. 
  • Oh Allah, bless us in our conclusion, and those who attended and witnessed it, O Lord of the worlds. 
  • Oh Allah, make our tongues moist with your remembrance, and our hearts full of your love, and guide us and make us firm on your straight path. 
  • Oh Allah, do not make this seal of ours the last of our covenant with your book and write us many seals on the face that pleases you with us, O Lord of the worlds.
  • Oh, Allah, just as you helped us to establish the letters of the Qur’an, so help us, Allah, to implement its rulings and laws.
  • Oh Allah, make the Great Qur’an our leader and pioneer to your gardens of paradise and grant us his intercession on the Day of Judgment. 
  • Oh Allah, remind us of what we have forgotten, teach us what we did not know, and grant us to recite it in a manner that would make you satisfied with us, O Most Generous of Hosts. 
  • Oh Allah, make our lives happy with acts of worship, seal us with good deeds, and honor us with perpetual remembrance of you and your good worship. 
  • O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with a prayer by which we obtain his intercession on the day of meeting You, O Lord of the worlds.

What do you say before reciting Quran?

One of the important means to win the blessings of the Holy Quran is to work with the manners of its recitation, which are known to us in the Islamic texts. And one of the most important of these morals is the linguistic and heartfelt exaltation of Allah, blessed and exalted by the evil of the holy devil in order not to repel him from the benefit of recitation, depriving him of her blessings. As well as to go to Allah during recitation and to feel that what he reads from the verses of the wise male is Allah, the greatest and most merciful. In the book of good deeds, Mr. Ibn Peacock recounted that Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) was taking the Holy Quran with his right hand and saying before opening it and reading it:

  • “O Allah, I testify that this is the book of your home from you to your prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah, and your words spoken on the tongue of your prophet made him guided from you to your creation and a rope connected between you and your servants.

O Allah I published your covenant and your book, Oh Allah make my vision of worship and my reading in it a thought And think about it as a consideration and make me one of those who preach a statement of sermons in it and avoid your sins. And do not print when I read on my hearing, and do not make my eyes a membrane, and do not make my reading a reading that does not manage it but make me manage its verses and judgments Take the laws of your religion and do not make my eyes in it oblivious and to read this that you are the merciful compassionate.”

  • To go to Allah with this prayer and before reciting his book represents a practical embodiment of the fact that Allah is being exhaled from the devil.
  • On the one hand, it represents a means by which the people of the House of Prophecy guide us to them – so that we can get the help of to perform the worship by reciting his book in the best way and according to his consent to his servant.

How can I read Thursday Khatam?

Al Sahaba – may Allah be pleased with them – used to divide the Noble Qur’an into seven parties, which are called (Parties of the Noble Qur’an); They recite one party of it every day, and after that several types of partisanship became famous, including what is customary in dividing the Holy Qur’an into thirty parts, one portion is divided into two parties, and one party into four quarters, but this partisanship had some observations.  Such as violating the substantive content of the verses; The party may end without completing the intended meaning of the verses, for example, a quarter of the party that begins with the words of Allah – the Highest -:  This is because the meaning of the verse is related to an objective context with the previous verses, so it is not correct to start reading in it in terms of meaning;  Therefore, the companions’ partisanship of the Holy Qur’an is considered the best. For them, the party always begins with the opening of the surah.

dua khatam quran english

It is appropriate in the place of sealing the Noble Qur’an to recite dua khatmul quran with many of the aforementioned dua, with the caveat that they did not come specifically to seal the Qur’an, including the following:

  • (Oh Allah, our Lord, give us good in this world, and good in the hereafter, and save us from the torment of the Fire). 
  • (Oh Allah, I am your servant and your son, your advice in your hand, a past in your wisdom, just a change in your judgment, I ask you with every name that you have called your soul.

Or I descended it in your book, or taught it to you, or taught it to you The spring of my heart, the evacuation of my sadness, and the departure of my worries,…). 

  • (Oh Allah, divide us from your fear of what is transformed between us and your transgressions, and from your obedience what we have made with your paradise, and from certainty what you are describing with us, the calamities of the world, and our hearing, and our hearts, and we have not, 

And do not make our calamity in our religion, and do not make the world our greatest concern, nor the extent of our knowledge, and do not impose upon us one who does not have mercy on us.) 

  • (Oh Allah, we ask You for the requirements of Your mercy, the strengths of Your forgiveness, safety from every sin, booty from every righteousness, success in Paradise, and deliverance from Hell with Your help).

dua khatam quran arabic

The dua khatam Quran include: 1- There is no Allah but the one who is united in His Majesty with the perfection of beauty in a great and great way, unique in the conduct of conditions in detail and totality in appreciation and measure, transcendent with his greatness and glory, which the two bands descended on his servant to be a harbinger of the worlds.

لا إله إلا هو المتوحّد في الجلال بكمال الجمال تعظيماً وتكبيراً، المتفرّد بتصريف الأحوال ‏على التفصيل والإجمال تقديراً وتدبيراً، المتعالي بعظمته ومجده الذي نزلَّ الفرقان على عبده ليكون للعالمين نذيراً.

And the sincerity of his Messenger, peace be upon him, who sent him to all the weights, the human being, and the jinn, Bashir and naïve, and calling to Allah with his permission and enlightening happiness, the great Allah believed the great Tawab Ghafoor Wahab.

‏وصدق رسوله صلّى الله عليه وسلم الذي أرسله إلى جميع الثقلين، الإنس والجن، بشيراً ونذيراً، وداعياً إلى الله بإذنه ‏وسراجاً منيراً، صدق الله العظيم التوّاب الغفور الوهّاب الذي خضعت لعظمته الرّقاب.

Who was subjected to His greatness is the necks, and his power has been overcome by difficulties, and because of his ability the hard adversity, the lord of lords and the causes, the house of the book, and the creator of his creation from dust, the dusty of guilt, and the subject of repentance is very punishable.

وذلّت لجبروته الصّعاب، ولانت ‏لقدرته الشّدائد الصلاب، ربّ الأرباب ومسبّب الأسباب، ومنزّل الكتاب، وخالق خلقه من تراب، غافر الذّنب، وقابل ‏التوبة شديد العقاب.

 The tallest there is no Allah but him, he entrusted to him the repenter, Believe those who are still precious, believe me as a sponsor, believes who I have taken as an agent, belief the guide to him away, god believed and who is truer than Allah.

ذو الطول لا إله إلا هو عليه توكّلت وإليه المتاب، صدق من لم يزل جليلاً، صدق حسبي به كفيلاً، ‏صدق من اتّخذته وكيلاً، صدق الهادي إليه سبيلاً.

Allah bless me with the Qur’an and make him an imam for me, a light, a gift and mercy, Oh Allah remind me of what I forgot, and he taught me from him What I did not know, and he threw me to recite it at night and the parties of the day, and make it an argument for me.

صدق الله ومن أصدق من الله قيلاً، اللهم ارحمني بالقرآن، واجعله لي إماماً ونوراً وهدىً ورحمة، اللهمّ ذكّرني منه ما نسيت، وعلّمني منه ما جهلت، وارزقني تلاوته آناء الليل وأطراف النّهار، واجعله لي حجّةً يا ربّ العالمين.

Lord of the worlds, O Allah, fix my religion, which is the infallibility of my command, and fix my world in which my living is, and fix my end in which my enemies are, and make life an increase for me in all good, and make death a relief for me from every evil.

، اللهمّ أصلح لي ديني الذي هو عصمة أمري، وأصلح لي دنياي التي فيها معاشي، وأصلح لي آخرتي التي فيها معادي، واجعل الحياة زيادة لي في كلّ خير، واجعل الموت راحة لي من كلّ شر.

2- Oh Allah, make the best of my life the last, and the best of my work his rings, and the best of my days on the day I meet you, Allah I ask you a good life, dead together, and a non-shameful and scandalous bitterness. O Allah I ask you the best of the matter and the best prayers, the best of success, the good of the work, the good reward, the good of life, the good of life, the good of death, and the weight of my parallels, and fulfill my wishes, raise my grades, accept my prayers, forgive my sins, ask you for paradise.

اللهمّ اجعل خير عمري آخره، وخير عملي خواتمه، وخير أيّامي يوم ألقاك فيه، اللهمّ إنّي أسألك عيشةً هنيّةً، وميتة سويّة، ومراداً غير مخزٍ ولا فاضح، اللهمّ إنّي أسألك خير المسألة وخير الدعاء، وخير النّجاح، وخير العلم، وخير العمل، وخير الثّواب، وخير الحياة، وخير الممات، وثبّتني وثقّل موازيني، وحقّق أمانيي، وارفع درجاتي، وتقبّل صلاتي، واغفر لي خطيئاتي، وأسألك العلا من الجنة. 

3- O Allah, I ask you the obligations of your mercy, the condolences of your forgiveness, the safety of every sin, the booty of every righteousness, winning paradise, and surviving the fire.

اللهمّ إنّي أسألك موجبات رحمتك، وعزائم مغفرتك، والسلامة من كلّ إثمٍ، والغنيمة من كلّ برٍّ، والفوز بالجنّة، والنجاة من النار.

 O Allah, may god punish us in all matters, and reward us from the shame of the world and the torment of the hereafter. 

اللهمّ أحسن عاقبتنا في الأمور كلّها، وأجرنا من خزي الدّنيا وعذاب الآخرة،اللهم اقسم لنا من خشيتك ما تحول به بيننا وبين معصيتك، ومن طاعتك ما تبلّغنا بها جنتك.

O Allah, swear to us from your fear of what has been transformed between us and your disobedience, and from your obedience to what your paradise informs us of, and from certainty what you are lying to us about the calamities of the world.

ومن اليقين ما تهون به علينا من مصائب الدنيا، ومتّعنا بأسماعنا وأبصارنا وقوتنا ما أحييتنا، واجعله الوارث منّا، واجعل ثأرنا على من ظلمنا، وانصرنا على من عادانا، ولا تجعل مصيبتنا في ديننا، ولا تجعل الدّنيا أكبر همّنا ولا مبلغ علمنا.

And enjoy our hearings, our visions, and our strength which has revived us, and make it the heir of us, and make Our revenge on those who have wronged us, and we have supported those who have returned us. And do not make our misfortune in our religion, and do not make the world our greatest concern or the amount of our knowledge, and do not shed on us those who do not have mercy on us,  O Allah, do not leave us guilt except his forgiveness and they are only his mercy, nor Our religion is only his cause, and none of the needs of the world and the hereafter are for you to be satisfied except her,  O most merciful of the merciful, our Lord has brought us well in this world, and in the hereafter is good, and we have received the torment of fire. And Allah has arrived on our Prophet Muhammad and on his god and his good companions, and he has given him a lot of peace.

ولا تسلّط علينا من لا يرحمنا، اللهمّ لا تدع لنا ذنباً إلا غفرته ولا همّاً إلّا فرّجته، ولا دَيناً إلا قضيته، ولا حاجةً من حوائج الدنيا والآخرة هى لك رضىً إلّا قضيتها يا أرحم الراحمين، رّبنا آتنا في الدّنيا حسنة، وفي الآخرة حسنة، وقِنا عذاب النّار، وصلِّ الله على نبيّنا محمّد وعلى آله وأصحابه الأخيار، وسلّم تسليماً كثيراً. 

4- O Allah have mercy on me in the Qur’an and make it an imam and a light for me, Oh Allah have mercy on me in the Qur’an and make it an imam, a light, a gift, and mercy.

اللهمّ ارحمني بالقرآن، واجعله لي إماماً و نوراً، اللهمّ ارحمني بالقرآن واجعله لي إماماً ونوراً وهدىً ورحمة.

Oh, Allah reminds me of what I forgot and teaches me from it what I did not know, and make me recite it at night and the parties of the day, and make me have an argument, Lord of the worlds, Allah, to fix my religion.

اللهمّ ذكّرني منه ما نسيت و علّمني منه ما جهلت، وارزقني تلاوته آناء الليل وأطراف النهار، واجعله لي حجّةً يا ربّ العالمين، اللهمّ أصلح لي ديني الذي هو عصمة أمري.

Which is the infallibility of my command, and to fix my world in which I live, and to fix my end, which has an enemy, and make life an increase for me in all good, and make death a relief for me from every evil.

وأصلح لي دنياي التي فيها معاشي، وأصلح لي آخرتي التي فيها معادي، واجعل الحياة زيادةً لي في كلّ خيرٍ، واجعل الموت راحةً لي من كلّ شرٍّ.

O Allah makes The best of my life is the end of my life and the best of my work is his rings, and my best days are the day I meet you, O Allah I ask you a good life, dead together, and a non-shameful and scandalous echo.

اللهمّ اجعل خير عمري آخره وخير عملي خواتمه، وخير أيّامي يوم ألقاك فيه، اللهمّ إنّي أسألك عيشةً هنيّةً، وميتةً سويّةً، ومردّاً غير مخزٍ ولا فاضح. 

5- O Allah, I ask you the best of the matter, the best prayer, the best of success, the good of knowledge, the good of work, the good reward, the good of life, the good of death, and the weight of my parallels.

اللهمّ إنّي أسألك خير المسألة، وخير الدّعاء، وخير النّجاح، وخير العلم، وخير العمل، وخير الثواب، وخير الحياة، وخير الممات، وثبّتني وثقّل موازيني.

And achieved my faith and my highest degree, accept my prayers, forgive my sins, and ask you the highest of paradise, O Allah make it healing, guidance, mother, and mercy, and we have recited it in a way that satisfies you from us.

وحقّق إيماني وارفع درجتي، وتقبّل صلاتي، واغفر خطيئاتي، وأسألك العلا من الجنّة، اللهمّ اجعله لنا شفاءً وهدىً وإماماً ورحمة، وارزقنا تلاوته على النحو الذي يرضيك عنّا.

6- O Allah, do not make us sin except his forgiveness, and they are nothing but his mercy, and we have no religion except his cause, and no patient except his recovery, and no enemy but his palms, and he is absent only his echo, and there is no disobedience except his disobedience. And there is no corruption except to fix him, and not dead Except for his mercy, and there is nothing wrong with him except his jacket, and there is no difficulty except his ease. And there is no need from the world and the hereafter for you to be satisfied, and we have goodness in it except to help us to spend it in ease of you and wellness with your mercy, O most merciful of the merciful.

اللهمّ لا تجعل لنا ذنباً إلا غفرته، ولا همّاً إلا فرجته، ولا دَيناً إلا قضيته، ولا مريضاً إلا شفيته، ولا عدوّاً إلا كفيته، ولا غائباً إلا رددته، ولا عاصياً إلا عصمته، ولا فاسداً إلا أصلحته، ولا ميّتاً إلا رحمته، ولا عيباً إلا سترته، ولا عسيراً إلا يسّرته، ولا حاجةً من حوائج الدنيا والآخرة لك فيها رضاً، ولنا فيها صلاح إلّا أعنتنا على قضائها في يسر منك وعافية برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين.

7- O Allah, support your mujahideen servants a dear victory, and open a clear opening for them, O Allah, benefit us with what you have taught us, and teach us what benefits us. O Allah opens us well, and make the consequences of our affairs good, O Allah we seek refuge with you from the evil and its rings, first and last, and its interior and appearance.

اللهمّ انصر عبادك المجاهدين نصراً عزيزاً، وافتح لهم فتحاً مبيناً، اللهمّ انفعنا بما علّمتنا، وعلّمنا ما ينفعنا، اللهمّ افتح لنا بخير، واجعل عواقب أمورنا إلى خير، اللهمّ إنّا نعوذ بك من فواتح الشرّ وخواتمه، وأوّله وآخره، وباطنه وظاهره. 

8- O Allah, do not make between us and you in our livelihood anyone but you and make us the richest of your creations with you, and your poorest servants to you, give us an unquestioned wealth. And health that does not distract us, and sings about who sang it about us, and make our last words a testimony that there is no Allah but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. and we die satisfied with us other than angry and make us in the position of the resurrection of those who are not afraid of them and are not grieving with your mercy, o merciful.

اللهمّ لا تجعل بيننا وبينك في رزقنا أحداً سواك، واجعلنا أغنى خلقك بك، وأفقر عبادك إليك، وهب لنا غنىً لا يطغينا، وصحّةً لا تلهينا، وأغننا عمّن أغنيته عنّا، واجعل آخر كلامنا شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأنّ محمداً رسول الله، وتوفّنا وأنت راضٍ عنّا غير غضبان، واجعلنا في موقف القيامة من الذين لا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين

 9- O Allah, we ask you to hide the hidden, the sincerity of the believers, the accompaniment of the righteous, the merit of the truths of faith, the booty of every righteousness. The safety of every sin, the duty of your mercy and the sorrows of your forgiveness, the victory of paradise, and the survival of fire.

اللهمّ إنّا نسألك إخبات المخبتين، وإخلاص المؤمنين، ومرافقة الأبرار، واستحقاق حقائق الإيمان، والغنيمة من كلّ بر، والسّلامة من كلّ إثم، ووجوب رحمتك وعزائم مغفرتك، والفوز بالجنّة، والنجاة من النار.

10- O Allah, reconcile our hearts, repair ourselves among us, guide us to the means of peace, and we survived the darkness to the light and spared the obscenities that appeared and what is wrong with them. And bless us in our actions, our ages, our husbands, our offspring, our times, our money, and make us blessed wherever we are.

اللهمّ ألّف بين قلوبنا، وأصلح ذات بيننا، واهدنا سبل السلام، ونجّنا من الظّلمات إلى النور، وجنّبنا الفواحش ما ظهر منها وما بطن، وبارك لنا في أعمالنا، وأعمارنا، وأزواجنا، وذريّاتنا، وأوقاتنا، وأموالنا، واجعلنا مباركين أينما كنّا. 

11- O Allah, we seek refuge in you from the strife of fire and the torment of fire, and we seek refuge in you from the affliction of the grave and the torment of the grave, we ask you for inexhaustible bliss. And a sore eye that does not run out, and we ask you to look at your holy face, and longing to meet you, in no harmful harm, nor misguided fitna.

اللهمّ إنّا نعوذ بك من فتنة النار وعذاب النار، ونعوذ بك من فتنة القبر وعذاب القبر، نسألك نعيماً لا يبيد، وقرّة عين لا تنفد، ونسألك لذّة النظر إلى وجهك الكريم، والشّوق إلى لقائك، في غير ضرّاءٍ مضرّة، ولا فتنة مضلّة. 

12- O Allah, we ask you to accompany the Prophet Muhammad in the highest paradise, the paradise of the Mole, O most merciful of the merciful. 

اللهمّ إنّا نسألك مرافقة النبيّ محمد صلّى الله عليه وسلم في أعلى الجنّة، جنّة الخلد يا أرحم الرّاحمين.

O Allah help us and do not mean on us, and support us and do not support us, and you are cunning to us and do not betray us, and guide us and facilitate the guidance for us, and support us on those who want us, 

اللهمّ أعنّا ولا تعن علينا، وانصرنا ولا تنصر علينا، وامكر لنا ولا تمكر علينا، واهدنا ويسّر الهدى لنا، وانصرنا على من بغى علينا.

Oh, Allah make us thankful to you, you have memories, you are hidden, you have weak and wailing, Oh Allah accept our repentance, Wash our love, prove our argument, pay our tongues, and boil the tent of our hearts, 

اللهمّ اجعلنا لك شاكرين، لك ذاكرين، لك مخبتين، لك أوّاهين منيبين، اللهمّ تقبّل توبتنا، واغسل حوبتنا، وثبّت حجّتنا، وسدّد ألسنتنا، واسلل سخيمة قلوبنا، اللهمّ طهّر قلوبنا من النّفاق.

O Allah cleanse our hearts of hypocrisy, our actions of showing off, our tongues from lying, our eyes from betrayal, you teach the traitor of the eyes and what hides the breasts, O Allah you are an amnesty that loves forgiveness, forgive us.

وأعمالنا من الرّياء، وألسننا من الكذب، وأعيننا من الخيانة، إنّك تعلم خائنة الأعين وما تخفي الصدور، اللهمّ إنّك عفوٌّ تحبّ العفو فاعفُ عنّا.

13- Oh Allah, please release the concern, reveal the mystery, answer the call of the forced, the mercy and mercy of the world and the hereafter, have mercy on us, and spare us mercy from others. 

اللهمّ فارج الهمّ، كاشف الغمّ، مجيب دعوة المضطرين، رحمن الدّنيا والآخرة ورحيمهما، ارحمنا رحمة تغنينا بها عن رحمة من سواك.

O Allah we seek refuge with you from the effort of affliction, the realization of misery, the misredemption, and the tattoos of enemies. 

اللهمّ إنّا نعوذ بك من جهد البلاء، ودرك الشّقاء، وسوء القضاء، وشماتة الأعداء. اللهم لا تدع لنا ذنباً إلّا غفرته، ولا همّاً إلّا فرّجته، ولا ديناً إلّا قضيته.

O Allah, do not leave us guilt except his forgiveness, and they are nothing but his mercy, and there is no religion but his cause, and none of the needs of the world and the hereafter are for you to accept except her cause, O most merciful of the merciful. Our Lord has brought us good in this world, and in the hereafter is good, and we have received the torment of fire, and Allah prayed to our Prophet Muhammad and to his god and his good companions, and thank Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

ولا حاجةً من حوائج الدّنيا والآخرة هي لك رضىً إلا قضيتها يا أرحم الرّاحمين. رّبنا آتنا في الدّنيا حسنة، وفي الآخرة حسنة، وقنا عذاب النار، وصلّى الله على نبيّنا محمّد وعلى آله وأصحابه الأخيار، والحمد لله ربّ العالمين.

dua khatam quran in roman english 

One of the best khatam al quran dua is:

  • There is no Allah but the one who is united in The Majesty with the perfection of beauty in honor and magnification, unique in the conduct of conditions in detail and totality in appreciation and measure, transcendent by his greatness and glory. 

The two bands descended on his servant to be a harbinger to the worlds, and the sincerity of his Messenger peace be upon him, who sent him to all the weights, the human being.  And the jinn, promising and enlightening, and calling to Allah with his permission and enlightened happiness, the great Allah believed the Ghafoor Wahab, who was subjected to his greatness and humiliated by his mighty difficulties. And because of his ability the hard adversity, the Lord of Lords and the causes, and the house of the book, and the creator of He created it from dust, the dust of guilt, and the most punishable repentance. The tallest god but him, entrusted to him, believed those who are still solemn, believed me as a sponsor, believed who took it as an agent, believed the guide to him as a way, god believed and who believed from Allah in a saying.

  • O Allah has mercy on me in the Qur’an, and make it an imam, a light, a gift and mercy, Oh Allah remind me of what I forgot, and teach me from it what I did not know, and make me recite it at night and the parties of the day.
  • And make it an argument for me, Lord of the Worlds, Oh Allah, fix my religion, which is assem I will make life an increase for me in all good, and make death a relief for me from every evil. In it.

dua e khatam ul quran

From the dua khatmul quran transmitted and frequent:

  • Oh, Allah, I ask you to live a good life and a dead one together and a non-shameful and scandalous one. 
  • Oh, Allah, I ask you the best of the matter, the best prayer, the best of success, the best of knowledge, the best of reward, the good of life, the good of life, and the weight of my parallels, and achieved my faith, raise my degree, accept my prayers, forgive my sins, and ask you the highest of paradise
  • Oh, Allah, I ask you the obligations of your mercy and the determination of your forgiveness and safety from every sin and the booty of every righteousness, and winning heaven and surviving the fire. 
  • Oh Allah, may Allah best punish us in all matters, and reward us from the shame of the world and the torment of the hereafter. 
  • Oh, Allah, I swear to us from your fear what is turned between us and your disobedience and from your obedience, what your Paradise tells us and the certainty that disasters are available to us.

The world and our pleasures with our hearings and visions and strength are what revived us and make it the heir from us and take our revenge on those who oppressed us and support us on this. Who are our normal and do not make our misfortune in our religion and do not make the world our biggest concern and no amount of our knowledge and do not shed on us those who do not have mercy on us

  • O Allah, do not let us have a sin except forgiveness, and they are nothing but his mercy, and there is no religion except his case, and there is nothing from the world and the hereafter except her case.
  • O most merciful of the merciful, our Lord has given us good deeds and in the hereafter good and we have received the torment of fire and Allah prayed over our master and Prophet Muhammad and on his god and his good companions and handed him a lot of peace


To summarise, reading the Book of Allah has great virtue and it is mentioned in the word of the dua khatam quran:  “Oh Allah bless me with the Quran and make it an imam, a light, a gift, and mercy, God reminds me of it, and you have not mentioned it, and you have not mentioned it. And it is advisable for the Muslim to recite dua khatm Quran and call what he wants from the good of the world and the other, and must be read when reading the Quran. And from khatam dua” The Qur’an requires that man be pure because purity is required when touching the Qur’an. In conclusion, to read the Qur’an is a great virtue; and dua khatam al Quran or the gathering of people is also desirable, which is what the Prophet (peace be upon him) said in the Hadith: “Read the Qur’an, and please Allah with it before people come to read the Qur’an and ask people to do it.” Do you want your kids to learn more about Online Islamic studies Classes? Sign up for  Rahman School’s (online Quran school ) Online Islamic studies Classes program and watch them dive deeper into Islam science. Rahman School’s Arabic classes, Quran classes, Islamic studies class, Quran tajweed class, ijazah Quran and let your children learn the accurate Quran recitation and word pronunciation even if Arabic is not their first language. Quran teaching in Rahman School is fun as well as structured, they’ll learn with eLearning Quran; Our Quran teacher, Arabic teacher, Islamic Studies teacher, and tajweed teacher,  ( Islamic school ) will be their friends during this amazing journey. online Quran classes for kids learning can be challenging if you’re seeking it for your kids. Rahman School offers you a wide variety of topics to teach your children online. Rahman School experienced live tutors ( male teacher & female teacher ). They have many years of experience in Teaching Arabic online and the Quran online to non-Arabic speakers. Whether it’s Quran online, Arabic online, Tajweed, Ijazah, tajwid al Quran, and Islamic Studies. Rahman School has your back with professional Quran tutors who are willing to go further with your kids’ education. With an attractive interface and well-structured lessons, Rahman School gives you and your children the chance to learn with al Rahman school who are going to be your kids’ new friends, accompanying them in their learning process and encouraging them to learn more.